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The right shipping company in Jordan for your business requirements

Accuracy and consistency with your shipping, packing & printing in Jordan

Mail Boxes Etc. is a shipping company in Jordan that perfectly understands the changing business landscape and the challenges that businesses face when needing to ship products to their customers. This needs to be supplemented with perfect packing, a great unboxing experience as well as tracking to ensure you are always aware of your shipment’s location. With our shipping and packing in Jordan, you now have a reliable partner that you can count on. Choose an experienced, reliable and professional shipping company in Jordan - choose Mail Boxes Etc.

A reliable printing service in Jordan

The Mail Boxes Etc. printing service in Jordan offers more than just a print shop. We have high-grade technology that caters to your every business need. Whether you need menus, flyers, posters, brochures, business cards, documents or anything else printed, you can visit our print shop in Jordan to discuss your requirements with us. Our printing service in Jordan is known for its high levels of quality service provision, attention to detail and attentiveness to your business needs. Don’t hesitate to pay us a visit and discuss all the ways in which we can be of service to you.

Why Choose Us


That’s right, we’re locally owned and close by, meaning you get your job fast


Our in-house services including packing and couriers mean we turnaround jobs fast.


Our reputation is paramount and we take great pride in our workmanship. Nothing leaves our centers without passing stringent quality checks.


MBE has been around since the 1980’s. You can trust our well known, international brand.